Sunday, January 27, 2008

South Carolina Speaks Loudly

Obama has surprised us all again, and renewed our faith in America and in politics. His SC speech is in itself transforming---and the NYT report of Caroline Kennedy's endorsement is indicative of the rise of the younger generation into political action..Hard to imagine how any other candidate in either party can even come close to Obama's ability to uplift, enthuse and activate voters, across the spectrum.

This does not mean he is a shoe-in to capture the nomination. He can hardly have the intense, immediate impact on all 22 states voting Feb. 5, so the existing machine still has a presumptive advantage. But notice how fired up the news media (MSNBC,CNN and Fox) and anchors are about Obama's message and his ability to deliver it. Combined with their resentment at Bill Clinton's antics and distortions, the media could make the difference to Obama on Feb. 5.

The primary results, and the general election might come down to the significant leap in the participation of age 18-24 voters, and their strong inclination to back Obama. More than any other sector of our society, these younger Americans are relatively free of the old attitudes and the racism that seem to many to make Obama's victory an impossible dream. Let's remember how improbable JFK's victory appeared early in the primaries, and how only Obama has a comparable ability to inspire us all to work for a better nation.


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