Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Faith or Old Age

On Sunday I flipped around channels to see a nearly perfect NE Patriots team execute miraculous passes; several figure-skating couples performing with great skill and agility; and an international youth orchestra with wonderfully professional musicians, filled with passion and idealism.

I was suddenly overwhelmed with the understanding of what magnificent gifts, talents and opportunities God has bestowed on mankind. For us lesser mortals in terms of talents, the seabirds flocking over Barnstable Bay; or a stunning sunset here instills the same wonder and awe at God's creation of tremendous beauty for us to enjoy.

Maybe one needn't reach this ripe, old age to appreciate the colossal joy and wonder our existence offers; or to know that a divine creator has given us an existence filled with endless possibilities for great happiness, wonder and love.

Love and Peace to you all Forrest

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